Hi, I'm Jeni!

What makes me unique is that I excel naturally in a lot of qualities in which many others find difficult. I’ve always been magnetic, people have always come to me with questions, advice, or support. I also have a way of processing large amounts of information in an efficient way. I can move quickly, and for whatever reason, I’m aware of the next step as it’s coming.

One day I was in a networking call, and the question, “What’s your alter ego?” didn’t really compute. I don’t show up differently outside of work; it’s all the same to me. Any answer I could come up with just felt like a facet of me. So I asked my husband, “Do I have an alter ego?” and he said, “No, what you see is what you get.”

I can be candid and direct, as well as extremely loving, present, and caring. The more I go on this journey to love and embrace all I am and who I am, it just gets better and better.

I have spent so much time in my life trying to figure it out, look good, have it all together, and “get there,” but all along I’ve been going deeper and deeper, facing and understanding all the aspects of self.

I am someone who connects to, brings in messages, and a bigger knowing and understanding, that I also "know" things – without the typical story of psychics or spiritual people who could see other dimensions as small children – having lived a very normal life in a lot of ways, painting within the lines to be accepted. I always knew at some level, I was going to be wildly different... as I had a longing for something else, and continued to stand outside of the norms of society and family.

"Authenticity is something that exists in its true form. One is able to be authentic by stripping off the layers that have been accumulated and accepted as one's own. Authenticity and alignment are very similar. Alignment is when all aspects of oneself are working together simultaneously... in harmony. Then using this energy to speak and present and operate from one’s true essence."

The Akashic Records Keepers

The pieces of me that I’ve dulled down – all these accomplishments and achievements – it can be challenging for me because my life is so interesting, adventurous, and exciting compared to average …I’ve always been that way.

I want to normalize and bring into the conversation that we all have struggles, as a part of the human experience, and we can also celebrate and completely own the beautiful experiences, and the hard work and willingness to ask for support that goes into those.

When I first started my entrepreneurial journey (in my early 20's!) , I wanted to help people live their best life-- but I lacked the confidence, so I downplayed and doubted my ability... even rebranding everything I ever did because someone told me I should pivot to teaching sales…

So, not only did I discover that I was highly intuitive, and I play in the spiritual category - I also have real-life certifications, training, and experiences to back it all up.

Are you ready to go deeper with me as your guide?

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