Client Love

I'm so grateful for all of the amazing lives, transformations and experiences that I've been blessed and honored to have been a part of. This is truly sacred and special. I wanted to have a place to honor all of the people who have taken the time to share their experience of how this work impacted their life.

Testimonials & life experiences are also really powerful because they can give us a glimpse into what's possible for us too. Remember, all testimonials are unique experiences and no results are guaranteed, as you are a mutual partner in deep transformational work. 🫶✨

You will find here a wide range of types of people who have shared their experiences. From highly intuitive readers, experienced spiritual entrepreneurs, conscious leaders and those who followed the inner call and nudges who felt the intuitive nudge to "pop" into my world.

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Listen to the Experiences of Others

Akashic Soul Activations

Deep dives into the soul that bring lightness, clarity & peace

"I don’t typically go back and listen to a reading unless there is something really profound that I needed to get, and I went back the next day and listened to her reading.

It was immensely powerful in a number of different areas.

One that comes to mind immediately is I’ve been into dragons, I had been working with this aquamarine dragon… and suddenly in the middle of this reading, Jeni says there’s some kind of an aquamarine presence here…!

Then my guides asked us to be quiet and led me through a powerful cocoon & gold heart meditation. It was just what I needed. It helped me to organize these frequencies so I can read them. It was amazing."


"Thank you for assessing and reading my Akashic soul activation (Record) for the first time ever. I found it fascinating, fun, amazing, and motivating. I was fired up at the end of the session and craving for more!!

You have such a way with people….. You have a warm, fuzzy, bubbly and heartwarming personality, professional yet witty, down-to earth and easy to understand, compassionate, non-judgmental, empathetic, a positive grounded energy, provide detailed readings and intriguing ….where there was a surprise thrown about my past soul’s life and an unknown Spirit Guide emerged.

YES!! Indeed, I loved hearing it all. It raised my consciousness to a new level. Moreover, I loved your passion, grounded energy, and your genuine nature as well as your gifted ability to clearly and articulately explain information communicated from my the records. You brought clarity and Light into my life. This made it a personal experience and very rewarding.

Thank you for sharing your special unique gift with me. I felt confident, respected, supported, and honored to have done this. This was such a powerful, spiritual healing and a truly magical event! Kudos for sending me a recording of the Akashic reading, so I can actively listen to it again to gain a different insight and/or new information.

Without a doubt, I look forward to connecting with you as I soak in all this information. With my deepest gratitude to you Jeni, the Record keepers, and my Spirit Guides gave me this unique opportunity to learn more about myself enabling my human journey to be positive! Thank you."


"The reading we received was a perfectly timed moment of understanding for me that i am now integrating and really seeing myself more clearly especially the parts you reflected back to me. I am already playing my game of fire and slowing down in those moments i normally gloss over. I just have to keep working at it so I can be in those moments more often. Your reading has allowed me to stop humanly questioning those parts of me and has brought a strength and a peace as i move forward."

Much love! ❤️


To begin with, I would consider myself more than slightly skeptical. That being said, it was a truly incredible experience. I did the reading as more of a curiosity to see what insight/advice my records and guides may provide for me. There were some very insightful things which came up during the opening remarks which got me out of my head and allowed me to immerse myself in the reading. The guidance I received has already provided me some direction as I re-engage on my individual spiritual journey. I have become more aware of my energy throughout my days, and am also noticing some of the small nudges my spirit guides are providing in my daily life.

Jeni is a fantastic person to work with. Her attitude and energy during the reading was very grounding as a mediator of the experience, and she was very patient with me as I sort of navigated the whole thing. I highly recommend working with Jeni to connect with your spirit guides, it is a very powerful experience!

~Matt Bissen~

"I am so excited to give my feedback for my reading with Jeni. It was so grounded and honest in a way that kept me focused on asking the correct questions, instead of narrow, predictive questions. It’s definitely a reading that will bring more expansive developments, instead of “what will happen in the future” type of readings (that don't always end up true, if the energy shifts). This gave me tools to help embody the version of myself that I desire. I can’t wait to implement what my “guides” provided for me. This provided an overall mindset shift, deeper than readings I’ve had in the past. I left feeling more empowered and abundant, overall. I also left with a looser grip on the future and the nudge to think “bigger” and more expansive. So excited to utilize the tools I was given! These kinds of readings have the potential to be life-changing and I'm grateful for mine."


“I booked an Akashic records reading with Jeni. As this was the first time venturing down this road and having studied many of the great sages of this planet i did think a common theme of love would be what i got. It was definitely love inspired but what made it incredibly special was knowing that it was specific to me and my journey! At the beginning of the session Jeni takes a minute to get in touch with the record keepers and my guides. At this moment the emotions that came through me were so incredibly powerful that my conscious mind had no control over them. Surrendering was the only option which i realized was OK as I could somehow sense the Divine perfection in it. Then she began to relay the messages from them and they were so on point that i can only describe them as magical and oh so heart warming! Of course i had questions of which i had expectations for certain answers. (I could write a novel about this part) i knew i was connected to something unique and special as something very powerful was taking place (still is) and the only appropriate response was/is gratefulness. In sports we call these moments, turning points. Again words cannot describe how grateful i am for our time together. To think that people like Jeni are just so easily accessible is truly mind boggling but more importantly very comforting in a world that can be so pretentious. I feel so excited for Jeni’s future, i can easily see her on the “Next Level Soul” Podcast who has all the big hitters and by big hitters that would be the true leaders of this world! It’s exciting because Jeni’s gift can be shared with many more fortunate souls! It is with great pleasure to recommend Jeni’s amazing services to all our beautiful Brothers and Sisters here on this incredible journey!

With Love and Gratitude!"

~Mario Zammit~

"My Akashic Records reading with Jeni was amazing. My biggest take away was feeling validated, my guides showing up during my reading acknowledged all the spiritual work that I've been doing. The reading also showed me where I can grow and strengthen my connection to new guides & vibrations that want to come through for me. My guides showing up happy to be working alongside me was something I didn't know I needed. The Records revealed to me how I was stuck in a specific pattern and also gently encouraged me on how to move forward, which not even a week later has already been impactful. I loved working with Jeni, she put me at ease by explaining exactly what to expect during the reading and her overall demeanor allows for the person receiving the reading to feel comfortable and open to what information is coming through. Thank you Jeni!"

~Fiona Hardwicke~
Host of Mystically Inclined Podcast

"An Akashic Record reading is such a cool and unique experience. The record keepers are so full of love, encouragement and knowledge and the information from them has really stuck with me after this reading. It feels very different from a tarot, medium, or psychic reading where there is much more of a human interpretation element. This feels like information from a higher source. And the way Jeni channels and conveys their insights is so lovely. She is full of enthusiasm and excitement for the information they have to share and has a strong connection with them and a commitment to delivering their messages accurately. I was really trying to think of the 'right' way to ask my questions, so I enjoyed that Jeni also gives the keepers a chance to download whatever they wanted to impart right off the bat with the opening remarks. Overall, after my reading I felt reflective and thoughtful and ultimately encouraged. I think I will be thinking about the information I received for a long time to come. I would definitely recommend an Akashic record reader session with Jeni!"

~Maureen Sullivan~

"I had the distinct pleasure of receiving an Akashic Reading from Jeni Holla today.

What an experience!! Firstly, I woke up in a bliss! So, the first thing I asked her was if she was focusing on me with intention as she prepared. Yes!! She was! She had a grid set up with stones she was led to include intuitively. My ears were ringing, which for me, told me my angelic realm was with me. She was already calling them in!!

From the moment we started I received confirmation after confirmation of what I suspected to be true and/or hoped to be true regarding the what's and why's of my life's journey. As she communicated with the record holders I was filled with understanding, compassion and forgiveness for those seemingly difficult relationships in my life. There was so much light shed on the essence of who people truly are. For instance, I've struggled GREATLY in my relationship with my Father. I felt forgiveness and compassion for him and for me in our relationship. I now know that it will be after his passing he and I will be filled with meaningful conversation. In his earthly existence he's unable to transcend his own trauma. I received proof of the Alchemist I AM. And how important it is for me to continue stepping into it to fulfill the destiny of my soul in this lifetime. I learned beautiful information about my sons, my sister, a great grandmother and more.

I felt connected to a wholeness after all the confirmations.

I've been on a metaphysical journey this entire life. I've been really plugging into it for the last 10 years. Jeni is the real deal. THE REAL DEAL!!

If you're looking for a thorough accurate Akashic reading....look no further. She's sincere about her work and is quite dedicated!!

Thank you, Jeni. I'll book again, for sure!!"

~T. Napierala~

7 Weeks of Magic

1:1 support in activating self trust, strengthening intuition & aligning to your highest timeline

“7 Weeks of Magic is a gorgeous, profound, and fully customized opportunity to walk through an initiation gate into a new version of you and a new version of your life. Jeni joyously, wisely, and gently guides you through your transformation so you can live more fully as who you deeply are.”

~Anonymous Client~

"My experience was that there was a HUGE energetic shift during the initial Akashic Reading session. Every session after that was like a spiritual booster shot, helping me to reconnect to that new, higher vibration. During the 7 weeks I was able to live from the higher frequency more and more between sessions."

"Jeni is the real deal. I have known Jeni over 10 years and in my first reading with Jeni, it was “just to support a friend”. However, what came through her was incredible. I have since had several readings and did a 7 week coaching program that helped me to up level my life in helping my me to re-discover and remember the truth of who I am. When I am contemplating a big decision or going through a funk, Jeni is the first person I think of to connect me to my guides."

~Nina H~

Here's what Rose said about her experience with 7 Weeks of Magic:

What did you love the most about the 7 Weeks of Magic experience?

I loved the way I expanded and came further into alignment with myself.

Where were you/what was going on at the beginning of 7 Weeks of Magic? What challenges/struggles were you facing?

Without my realizing it at the time, confidence was a challenge. I've been struggling for years to unlock and embody what abundance really means to my soul. My conscious mind was hung up on the muggle realities around me, and I was struggling to embody the divine truth I recognized every time I interacted with the metaphysical.

What have been some of your biggest ah-ha’s/shifts/learnings from this time together?

Realizing that my highest self gets to be as embodied as I give her permission to be unlocked so much of myself, my intuition, my understanding of everything in and around me. I know who I am, who I'm here to become, and what I want for myself and the rest of humanity.

How would you explain 7 Weeks of Magic to someone (who’s spiritual, and you wouldn’t have to explain terms like ‘vibrational frequency’ to)?

I would describe it as a journey, primarily. There's no way to know what your 7 Weeks of Magic will be like, because it turns out YOU are the Magic. It's a container where you get to explore, expand, evolve. In the process you get to choose to confront, challenge, resolve, or open up whatever is present. It's a process supported by your highest self, the Record Keepers and Guides, grounded in the physical world by a connection with Jeni. I would wager the result is whatever you set your intention to be -- but likely utterly different than how you imagined the result when you set that intention. The concept is that this journey takes you into deeper alignment with yourself, your intuition, and then the way you live day by day reflects that alignment.

In addition to the reflection questions above, I’m curious, is there anything you would change or add to the 7 Weeks of Magic experience?

I don't think I'd change anything! I'd actually instead reflect back to you that your ability to make every experience and every journey uniquely present and attuned to the person/people in it, is unique and magical, and I hope that holding space for my 7 Weeks of Magic gave you immeasurable evidence of that.


Learning how to open the Akashic Records for yourself

"If you find that you are drawn to the opportunity to learn and connect with the records then take this course - it is life changing! ​Personally I know that I am never going to be the same from this experience (In a good way!!) Couple that with learning with Jeni ​and her open, welcoming, authentic and fun style and then sprinkle in some other amazing souls who are on similar journeys and ​you have the recipe for something truly precious and unique - that is was ARTE is."

~Heather Stewart~

"What a magical experience it was just meeting Jeni at an event last fall- we locked eyes during a session we were participating in and I instantly knew this is my next teacher and the journey began.

Having a session with Jeni is amazing, but getting the opportunity to learn the path of accessing your own records is another. Jeni held this beautiful space for us to learn, practice, grow confidence and safely share. A.R.T.E was a life changing class, the tools we learned have been instrumental in my daily life and I am beyond grateful for all the gifts from taking this class. Thank you Jeni, for all you put into the class, her wisdom, her leadership, her deep knowing and guidance. You are so loved and appreciated!"


"I have attended a couple different programs to read the Akashic Records and while both magical in their own right, I greatly ​appreciated Jeni’s program and the space she held for her students to truly and deeply learn and connect for themselves. Jeni is a ​true leader and powerful Divine being. Her authenticity shines through and makes her program incredibly valuable."


"In search of my life’s purpose and a desire to connect with myself, I came across Jeni and her A.R.T.E. course. I thought only some ​people could access the Akashic Records, but not me. Oh, was I wrong. In the A.R.T.E course I learned that with practice and ​patience we can all learn. With Jeni’s guidance and beautiful energy, I was able to access my Records and receive messages from ​my Record Keepers and Guides. Learning to let go of expectations and allowing the messages to flow, has been one of the many ​life changing messages I have been able to receive.

The A.R.T.E course offers more than just learning how to read our own ​Akashic Records. It offers a safe and loving atmosphere where people that share the same interest can come together to ​connect, learn and grow. This course has been one of the most beautiful and powerful experiences in my spiritual journey. I have ​learned to access my own records, I have met amazing people, and most importantly, I have gained clarity and guidance on the ​path that I should continue on."


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