

find your zen

Meditation Magic is the membership portal to 25+ meditations (and growing!!) Many of them were channeled from the Akashic Records and/or intuitively led!

Do you currently meditate? Are you wanting to get more into it? Or maybe, you're looking for something fresh and new that helps you to expand and connect with your higher self, guides & your own Akashic Records?

Perhaps you're looking for support to help you expand your energy, open your heart, or relax and ground?

Current Categories of Meditations Include:
  • Energy Expansion

  • Heart Openers

  • Relaxation & Grounding

  • Chakras

  • Energy Clearing

  • Higher Self, Guides & Akashic Connections

  • Intuitive Explorations & Channeled Activations

Here's what's inside once you're in!

How do I get access to the meditations?

I am using a platform called Mighty Networks. Once you complete your payment, you'll be prompted to create an login account. You'll get immediate access to the meditations & they are accessible via desktop & mobile app!

A Little Behind the Scenes

I considered making the Meditation Magic Library a monthly membership offering -- but that didn't feel right. As I mentioned before, many of these meditations were channeled live from the energy of the Akashic Records during ARTE class. The meditations are SOOO good, and I'm regularly receiving private messages from students about how much they are loving the meditations.

So, I wanted to make these available for many more who felt like this would be an aligned and supportive tool in your own spiritual & personal growth toolkit.

And... if you're sick of monthly membership offerings, and you want to invest one low price for access to 20 meditations right now... plus continue to get access to any new meditations I add to the library in the future -- this is the best way to do it!

Plus with Lifetime Access here at the ground floor for $99... you'll get access to any additional features or changes I make to improve the experience...! 😁

Are you ready for more magic in your life?

and receive channeled messages from the Akashic Records delivered to your inbox!

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