Eons of Evidence

A good friend of mine, Lisa Karrat, who is an Intuitive Soul Empowerment Guide, said these words to me recently... "Eons of Evidence"
She was reflecting back to me how I have sooo much evidence of owning my power, success, impact and more.
To be honest, I didn't fully grasp or understand what she said to me at first.
My intellectual mind did, of course (as is the case for many of us).
The thing that I'm realizing is even more important than understanding with our minds, is to allow ourselves time for the next two steps in the process to materialize.
I've been working with the Record Keepers, to understand what it means to be a leader. The 3 characteristics are: Authenticity, Presence & Embodiment. While I won't be going into all 3 right now... the reason I brought this up is because I want to talk about what they've been teaching me about embodiment.
They shared with me that for some of us, the process goes:
Information enters into our physical minds, then we go through the process of integration, and then into the stage of embodiment.
Think of it this way.... we receive sooooo many tidbits of information every single day... all throughout the day. Our brains are taking in a lot of different pieces of information. Then, you add in the layer of listening to podcasts, reading books, social media, influencers, and experts -- all sharing their tidbits of information. It can be a lot to process & handle.
One thing I know for sure is that you are an extremely intelligent being.
You probably understand MANY things that are shared with you. You "get" it.
Just like the saying, "eons of evidence."
I find often, that some of us get stuck somewhere in the in-between.
Let me give an example:
You hear something that makes sense & resonates. ✅ (information)
because if it doesn't resonate... that information shouldn't go to the next step
Then... maybe it gets stuck right there and doesn't enter into the integration phase.
Why wouldn't it?
Well, there are a myriad of reasons... but for the sake of time...
Let's say you're busy AF... and you either haven't taken the time to slow down, process & recognize how you can integrate and apply the piece of information... (if this is you, you aren't alone!)
I find that for those of us who have busy, overactive minds... it can be easy to breeze over impactful pieces of information like this. I have come to learn for myself, that I do some of my best work "behind the scenes" -- allowing my mind and subconscious to work on things while I give them "space to breathe."
Then, I will have a moment -- perhaps hours later, days later, or even weeks later, where I then feel the information my heart space. For me, this signals that I've moved into the integration phase. (Perhaps it's the same for you, or maybe in a different place in your body!)
Now, in the integration phase, I get the opportunity to really begin to apply the idea of "eons of evidence" and begin to see and feel all of the different ways that I have evidence of success.
Now I'm lit up!! 🔥
It's as if I activated that part of my brain (the RAS, Reticular Activating System), that finds it so much easier to notice all of the evidence I have of success, my power, my ability to lead others, and much more.
This phase will continue and as long as you're still integrating and applying the information (and it continues to resonate!), we move into phase of embodiment.
This phase is where now... this new set of information/resources/perspective becomes who we are. In the scope of this example... "eons of evidence" then becomes a regular thing that is a part of how we are BEING in our day-to-day lives. We are able to spot all of the eons of evidence of ways that we are amazing.
And the cycle continues. 🌀
Eons of Evidence.
You have eons of evidence of your brilliance, amazingness, and impact.
Sending you love 🧡
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