Life is Amazing

Life is amazing ✨
When I was a little girl (maybe around 3 years old), we were at a family gathering and my parents couldn't find me. After searching all over, they saw me running down the street of the neighborhood. 😅
My Dad said that it was at this moment, he knew I was going to be someone who was going to have a zest for life... someone who wanted to see the world, and wouldn't settle.
And boy... has that come true 🌎💕
I have many, many memories of strong desires to see the world, meet new people, get the most out of life... and I always wanted to enjoy life, and inspire others to do the same.
In my 20s, I set out to help people "live their best life" and published a book, "Rock Your Lifestyle: It's Your Life, Start Acting Like It."
As an eager sales professional, wearing rose-colored glasses, I began my journey as a Life Coach and a desire to help people to enjoy their lives every single day -- and not only on the weekends.
In my strong desire "to succeed" -- I began looking for outer validation of my own worth. That my ideas, offerings, and business was good enough. 💔
I listened to many outside voices... those of society, and programs I invested in, and kept looking for "the way" to "make it"
I heard things along the way such as....
"You're too young to be a life coach."
"You really should teach people sales, because that's what you're good at."
"You haven't been through anything, what do you know about life?"
...and other things too, some of which I personally took out of context of the intention b/c I was outsourcing my own power to others.
So... my journey began chasing success...
... and it continued and continued... searching.... investing... wondering why it hadn't happened yet for me... Someone who has a shit ton of talent, intellect, intuition, drive, charisma, love of people... I had all of the things - except for the ONE THING I wanted more than anything -- to become a successful entrepreneur. To be viewed as someone who brought value to other's lives & was the catalyst to the change and transformation for people who crave more out of life... who desire more for themselves, and want to live a fucking amazing life.
And this continued for approximately 10 years.... ❤️🩹
One thing being constant -- my desire to help people live their best life.
Yes, I know it's cliche AF -- and I'm one of the best-equipped people to support you on this journey. This was a mission put on my heart and soul coming into this planet, and came into my consciousness in my teens.
Now, all these years later, I have been through some shit, I have ran away from my own power, I have tried to fit in, wanted people to "see me", tried to fit into boxes with my marketing and how I talk about my work... and wanting to find the "perfect" way to express what I do.
Take all those years of training, studying, certification after certification -- then the journey of getting beaten down in every way mentally & emotionally as an entrepreneur -- wanting to quit so many times... wondering why I was willing to spend all of my time, energy and resources on being an entrepreneur - to even as recent as this past week... really wondering why TF I want to be an entrepreneur -- b/c for me... it has tested me in ways I'm not quite ready to share publicly yet (I for sure will... just not yet).
Life is Amazing. You can have peace, fun, happiness, freedom of expression, and more -- If you resonate with one or more of the following, (and you made it this far 😅) -- then it's likely that I may be one of your guides on this next step in your own expansion and growth journey:
✨ You're at a fork in the road in your life, and you're curious which path to take, and feeling uncertain
✨ You are a smart, educated & talented professional/leader (and probably even an over-achiever in some ways) -- and you can feel that it's time for you to shift from the mind calling all the shots, and you are wanting to drop into the body/heart and trust yourself and your intuition more
✨ you are into spiritual/metaphysical space and want to deepen the connection with yourself, your soul, your spirit, your intuition and you want to learn how to really live a 5D life in a 3D reality
✨ You want to live an amazing life, and if you already are, you want to amplify it and have it feel even easier and more effortless b/c you're able to tap into (and listen!) to your own innate intuition... in turn, activating your own power and continuing to do big shit in the world.
Look... I know this is long AF -- this really brought me to tears as I wrote this. This is me owning my own power and claiming my space.
I have a lot to say and share.. and I find it hard to fit it into 3.3 seconds. And similar to what I share with clients during sessions... what if the way out is through?
So yes.. I'm writing the long AF post.. b/c someone is craving more depth... who needs to read this & is sick of the microwave society of everything having to be fast and furious on social media.
I love you.
Life is amazing ✨
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